
Gold plated and Gold filled - what's the difference? Every jewelry maker needs to know this!

Friends, since GoldField coated hardware has appeared in our store, it's time to tell you what it is and how this coating differs from the rest. In the manufacture of jewelry and bijouterie, gold-plated fittings are often used. Such products, depending on the method of coating..

2020-08-06 22:55:42
Correspondence table of shades of Miyuki beads. Translation Delica in round 11/0

Have you faced the problem of matching Miyuki beads of a certain color? For example, you need Delica and round 11/0 beads of the same color for one work. For Miyuki beads, the numbering of cylindrical beads (Delica) and all the others (round, glass beads, matagama, spacers, etc.)..

2020-03-25 16:12:34
Compare Cotton pearls and Shell Pearl ("Mallorca")?

The market for jewelry materials is now filled with a huge variety of goods. Take at least pearls . Natural, cotton, glass, plastic, organic... How do you know what you need? What to choose? Therefore, I decided to do a lab work and conduct a full comparative analysis of the 2..

2019-10-19 09:38:07
Fossilized coral or Petoskey stone

Petoskey is a beautiful and unusual stone. Unusual in every respect: in its history, biologists, origin. These are fossilized corals from the genus Hexagonaria, which lived about 350 million years ago in the territory of the modern state of Michigan. Over the next tens of mill..

2019-02-22 01:24:01
What are "synthetic" stones? And how not to make a mistake when buying gems?

Very often in online stores you will find so-called "NATURAL" stones from the precious section at a fairly low price. Friends, craftsmen and needlewomen! Don't be fooled! It is impossible to buy a natural, natural stone for, say, $5, $10, $15. Natural stones are much more expensi..

2019-02-22 01:17:28
What is a carat of gold?

The expression "carat of gold" refers to the purity of the precious metal. The purest gold is 24 carats. Carat is also used in the evaluation of diamonds - the mass in carats. When evaluating diamonds, write the letter "C". When referring to gold, the letter "K" is used. In Uk..

2019-02-22 01:12:31
What is Shell Pearl?

Imitation pearls Shell Pearl was invented in the twentieth century in America as an analogue of South Sea pearls. He quickly gained leadership positions in the world market, successfully competing with Majorica pearls. Externally, Shell Pearl is indistinguishable from natural, ex..

2019-02-21 00:09:55
What is cubic zirconia and zircon?

There are a huge number of misconceptions about cubic zirkonia and zircons. Someone thinks that zircons and cubic zirkonia are glass, someone thinks exactly the opposite. Questions about these two stones are asked almost daily, so I would like to clarify the situation immediately..

2019-02-20 23:59:27